9 Powerful Anti-Aging Superfoods
Rewind time with some of the most delicious superfoods on the planet!
I know it’s time to amp up my intake of superfoods when my vision becomes blurry, and my body feels sluggish. I am a big fan of high-antioxidant superfoods as a way to look and feel younger. Looking at the picture of me to the left, you may be thinking, “why does she need anti-aging foods.” Well, for two reasons; 1. I am in my 50s and 2. I want to continue to appear as though I am still in my 30s. I can only assume it would be the exact reason for many of you. Who wouldn’t want to look young for as long as possible?
Age is Just a Number
My friends think I am crazy when I tell them that I am stopping the clock on my age progression and choosing to be young forever. They first say, “no one can stop father time.” They’re right, and my intention is not to stop time but to slow aging.
I realized that we don’t have to look old simply because we grow older. I learned this vital lesson from the baby boomers who’ve paved the way for older women to be seen as “sexy” in Hollywood well past their 40s. They have proved that age truly is nothing but a number. Before the shift, many older women were relegated to roles as mothers or grandmothers but never as vixens. Especially once they hit their late 40s and early 50s; to some, a woman is not sexy anymore once she’s passed her 20s and should not be seen as such.
That thinking outraged many baby boomers and set into motion what we see today. Women of all ages in roles that were once dedicated only to younger women.
The change forced the world to see women in a new light, which inspired the average woman to mimic that youthful glow and vigor. So, the shift brought about countless age-defying beauty products. Some of which were so expensive that only the rich could afford them. The celebs were getting hotter and sexier than ever, using products and foods only they could afford. Celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Aniston, and Cameron Diaz still look youthful even in their mid to late 40s, which is excellent for them but not so much for us. What does the average person who wants to maintain their youthful glow turn to when funds are low? The answer is food!
Healing Through Food
Food is fantastic and more than just how we keep from being hungry. Depending on how we use it, it can be a life-bringing angel or a death-dealing demon. It can even replace pricey creams and lotions. Most of us are unaware of the potential of food to heal and cure. I used to use food for everything from comfort to depression. I only saw it as a tool to indulge in for fun, entertainment, self-medication, or worst. I never thought about its actual purpose for nutrition. It finally hit me as my body became sluggish, heavy, and weighed down. I began studying everything I could find and learned that the right foods could make me vibrant, youthful, and full of energy. While the wrong foods made me age faster, gain weight, and feel horrible.
My research and study proved that eating right (especially superfoods) can significantly improve your life, reduce your waistline, and slow aging. I have listed my favorite anti-aging superfoods that heal you from within and add a youthful glow to your skin.
My Favorite SuperFoods to Slow Aging

Acai Berries
Loaded with antioxidants and rich in nutrients. Acai berries are tiny round berries packed with minerals, antioxidants, and heart-healthy fiber and are high on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)chart. Acai has given me a youthful glow since day one of discovering it. Acai also contains Anthocyanins known to detoxify the cells, and its anti-inflammatory properties fight the effects of cancer. But their most exciting benefit for me has got to be the instant youthful glow that radiates from my face each time I take it in the form of the highly concentrated capsule version.
This leafy green veggie is key to flooding your body with many nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and vitamin C.
Its enzymes, omega 3, and iron content help maintain my healthy hair and skin. To read more about the benefits of spinach, visit here.
Kale is one of my favorite leafy green veggies to juice, along with pineapples, apples, and lemons. This drink fills my body with all the phytonutrients it needs to stay youthful. Kale helps detoxify our body’s impurities, creating a clean slate for new cells to flourish. I try to juice with kale at least twice a week, and so should you. It is one of the best ways to reduce body inflammation which is a crucial factor in premature aging.
Raw Almonds
Almonds are another source of antioxidants known for reducing blood sugar levels and lowering the body’s cholesterol levels. I use almond milk in my smoothies to give myself a break from cow’s milk. Making that simple switch has benefited my entire system since almonds are high in vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds are so powerful that using almond oil on your skin and hair can create a moisture barrier that lasts all day. And we all know that without moisture, our skin begins to look wrinkly, especially when we’re older.
Wheat Grass
Wheatgrass juice is an effective healer due to its massive amounts of minerals such as vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, l, and K. It is extremely rich in protein and holds 17 amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Wheatgrass juice also contains up to 70% chlorophyll, an important blood builder. Taken from 50 reasons to drink wheatgrass every day. Read more
Wheat grass gives my skin a glow that no commercial product could. It is relatively inexpensive and has remarkable health benefits for the body.

Wild Blue Berries
The media has taken to calling blueberries “brain berries” and “youth berries,” and they certainly deserve the excellent press; just one serving of blueberries provides as many antioxidants as five servings of carrots, apples, broccoli, or squash. I love adding these vibrant little blue “balls of health” to my smoothies, pancakes, and breakfast cereal. Primarily after reading one positive report after another, I’m indeed sold.
Their benefits are ongoing; according to SuperFoods RX, the blueberry contains more powerful disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. A 2/3 cup of blueberries gives you the same antioxidant protection as 1,733 IU of vitamin E and more protection than 1,200 milligrams of vitamin C. Read more . Now, that’s nothing to shake a stick at when it comes to antiaging.
Okay, so I always thought of pineapple as a fruit for drinks or to add to cocktails to make them more tropical. I never thought of them as a superfood. But that all changed when I learned of pineapples’ benefits to your health. Pineapples have some fantastic benefits for our bodies. They assist in the body’s natural healing process, can reduce cancer risk, improves digestion, strengthen eyes and bones, lower blood pressure and reverse inflammation. Learning of all this, I have since added pineapple to my daily smoothie regime and have never looked back. The energy this fruit provides alone is good enough reason for me to continue.
Strawberries are great for adding a splash of color to breakfast foods and adorning fruit trays, but these little beauties are more important to our bodies than you may know. According to organicFacts.net and several other resources, strawberries’ unique polyphenolic and antioxidant content makes them suitable for improving the immune system, preventing various cancers, and reducing signs of premature aging.
One of my favorite superfoods on the list is watermelon. Watermelon’s dark red flesh holds the key to a wonderfully healthy life. Its primary nutrient is Lycopene and is linked to heart health, bone health, and prostate cancer prevention. It also carries a powerful antioxidant considered to have anti-inflammatory properties. Watermelon hydrates your skin, helps prevent cancer, reduces inflammation, provides electrolytes making it great for dehydration, and encourages healthy growth of new collagen and elastin cells, according to the Cleveland Clinic. So many benefits to one fruit. That is why I load up on ripe watermelons for making frosty Popsicles, salads, smoothies, and more every summer.
Every last one of the superfoods mentioned above is delicious and versatile. Use them for salads, smoothies, cereals, spicy dishes, and more. The possibilities are endless, and it doesn’t take much to begin to feel better. Just one cup of wild blueberries added to your diet would decrease your body’s inflammation levels and your chances of heart-related issues; plus, it “provides 24 percent of a person’s recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, according to MedicalNewsToday.com.” So the next time you are perusing the “Supper-Marche,” try sticking to the fresh fruits and veggies aisle. The more you shop within those areas and refrain from the middle sections, the healthier you will look and feel.
Resources Quick Links
Watermelon benefits – https://www.livescience.com/46019-watermelon-nutrition.html
Blueberry Nutrition – https://superfoodsrx.com/healthyliving/wild-blueberries-benefits/
The magic of Strawberry – https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/strawberries.html
Medical News Today –https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287710#:~:text=Blueberries%20can%20help%20heart%20health,daily%20allowance%20of%20vitamin%20C.
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